Classrooms second semester: 8
Days and hours school was cancelled: 22 days, 17.5 hours
Towns/cities visited: 52
Museums visited: 21 (approx.)
States visited: 14, plus D.F.
Longest continuous bus ride: 15 hours
Ruins visited: 11
Churches visited: too many to count!
Visits with other Fulbrighters: 10
Out-of-country visitors: 8
Cooking classes taken: 5
Suitcases/backpacks taken (between 2 people): 5, plus 1 box
On return: 5, plus 1 box and 1 puppy
Trips back to the States: 2
Scorpions found in house: 2
Formal presentations given: 2
Crops of tomatoes: 2
Houses we lived in:2
Professional soccer games attended:1
Cell phones lost: 1
Cars driven: 0