On Tuesday, Regina and I moved from the house we were in on Calle Georgina to a little bungalow in a (gulp!) gated condo community called Torres de Cuernavaca. For those who have visited already, I have good news: we are all of a 3 minute walk from the old house. We have traded the neighbor's "shut up you *&*$*#*$ dog!" for the crowing of a rooster in the morning and small groups of children playing with sticks. Just like with the dog's owner, I plan to stay out of their way. Although we will miss the life that passed by our gates everyday (the tamale seller, the knife-sharpener, the gas seller, the old metal buyer, the

random groups of musical-instrument players asking for money, and the occasional Mormon), we are thrilled with the running trail we can take around the other buildings, the small soccer field, and the pool. Other highlights are our new landlords, one of whom is a co-worker of mine, and the washing machine!

1 comment:
Hi Reed! I just stumbled across your link to the blog on the OEA website. I've wondered about your year several times. It's great to see all the great adventures you are having... Take care and enjoy the rest of your year! ~Andrea Sande
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